Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 6. Part 2. P. 20-27.
Antoshkin Anatolii Vasil'evich
Gymnasium № 2 in Sterlitamak, The Republic of Bashkortostan
Abstract. The article discusses the stocking activity of state and cooperative organizations in Bashkir agricultural market at the turn of the 1920-1930s. The importance of stocking agricultural products was conditioned by the fact that the supply of the particular regions of the Soviet Union and export abroad depended on its success. The comparison of the growth of stocking volumes and all the commercial products of Bashkiria indicates that the strengthening of plan stocking was caused not only by the increase of the mass of commodities, but also by the increase of the degree of market coverage by organizations.
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