Abstract. The paper focuses on one of the factors to accelerate scientific and technical progress - the explosive development of intermediary structures between economy and innovation generators. It’s a new phenomenon, the benefits of which we’ll see soon. The author discovers the history of the problem of gap between invention and its implementation. Special attention is paid to possible consequences of the period of profitable investment into information technologies that was marked by startup investment boom and the snowballing of innovation mediation, which faced the problem of special requirements for human capital typical for the digital society on the whole.
Key words and phrases: НТП, инфокоммуникационные технологии, цифровое общество, экономика, инновации, внедрение, стартап, инновационные посредники, человеческий капитал, социальная структура, скорость и ускорение прогресса, scientific and technical progress, information and communication technologies, digital society, economy, innovations, implementation, startup, innovation mediators, human capital, social structure, rate and acceleration of progress
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