Abstract. The article deals with the problem of the moral civil responsibility of the intellectuals. The author refers to the history of the formation of the medical intellectuals in North Ossetia. Civil and social responsibility, unselfishness, compassion for the fate of the people contributed to their active participation in various educational, charitable and public organizations, which favored progressive social development. The sanitary and educational activity of the medical intellectuals was aimed at the prophylaxis and prevention of "mass" epidemics.
Key words and phrases: распространение грамотности, медицинская интеллигенция, гражданская ответственность интеллигенции, санитарно-просветительская деятельность, нравственный долг, горская молодежь, дискриминационная политика властей, благотворительность, Владикавказская городская дума, literacy diffusion, the medical intellectuals, civil responsibility of the intellectuals, sanitary-educational activity, moral obligation, mountain youth, discriminatory policy of authorities, charity, Vladikavkaz City Council
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