Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 4. Part 2. P. 64-71.
Kim Soo Jin
Russian University of Theatre Arts
Abstract. The article examines the importance of the Russian theatrical school for the modern Korean theatre. Contrary to Russian art, which tends to deeper psychologism, Korean art has hardly ever practiced the real depth of a personage’s psychological presentation. Analyzing Korean and Russian mono-performances based on N. V. Gogol’s "Diary of a Madman" the author concludes on the necessity for the further adoption of the Russian psychological art school to develop the modern Korean theatre.
Key words and phrases: корейский театр, моноспектакль, портрет, психологический театр, "Записки сумасшедшего", "Мастерская П. Фоменко", Korean theatre, mono-performance, portrait, psychological theatre, "Diary of a Madman", "P. Fomenko’s Workshop"
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