Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 4. Part 2. P. 44-46.
Zhukovskii Vladimir Il'ich
Siberian Federal University
Abstract. The article examines the process of an artwork creation as game-relation of an artist with artistic material. The author analyzes the conceptions "relation" and "game" and argues that game interaction of an artist with artistic material is characterized by "animism" - the ritual "attribution" of supernatural mental features to inanimate objects. The researcher concludes that a materialized artwork, being a product of relation of an artist and artistic material, due to the game processes of both opponents of artistic attitude gradually acquires "another life" as perfect "secondary" sensuality.
Key words and phrases: произведение искусства, художник, художественный материал, игра, отношение, творческий диалог, анимизм, work of art, artist, artistic material, game, relation, creative dialogue, animism
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