Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 4. Part 1. P. 96-98.
Kudlai Andrei Anatol'evich
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Branch) in Sevastopol
Abstract. Modern political power exists in the conditions of political market, thereby subject-object interaction between society and authorities is transformed. Political market dictates consumer’s attitude towards power. The consumer is interested in maximizing his/her personal profit, that’s why he/she develops an alternative parallel to power "amateur" institutions. Under such conditions political power in order to achieve control over society seeks to strengthen its professional component (the expansion of the freedom of political leaders, the increasing complexity of requirements to the qualities of professional politicians), the channels of communication through mass media, the forms of political and economic cooperation.
Key words and phrases: политическая власть, политический рынок, политический контроль, инклюзия, субъект-объектное взаимодействие власти и общества, политический консюмеризм, политическое участие, political power, political market, political control, inclusion, subject-object interaction between authorities and society, political consumerism, political participation
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