Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 4. Part 1. P. 83-85.
Kardanova Bela Baubekovna, Khubieva Laura Nauruzovna
Karachay-Circassian State University named after U. D. Aliev
Abstract. The article deals with the customs and rites of the Kuban Nogais associated with the first year of children’s life: putting in a cradle, cutting uterine hair, overcutting shackles, celebration of the first step, and others. The rituals, beliefs, taboos and amulets of the early life cycle are described in the context of social and ritual functions. Their regional characteristics are identified, the commonness of the rites with the similar rites of neighboring peoples is grounded. The individual features that characterize their ethnic specificity are considered.
Key words and phrases: региональные особенности, детская обрядность, жизненный этап, ритуал, предназначение, приуроченные песни, тематика, магические свойства, regional peculiarities, children’s rites, life stage, ritual, destination, timed songs, themes, magical properties
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