Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 3. Part 2. P. 159-161.
Spiridonov Pavel Andreevich
Penza State University
Abstract. The author focuses on Russian-French decentralized cooperation in the sphere of culture. The article touches on the problems of the bilateral contractual and legal basis, the improvement of which resulted in the origin of a common conception on the content and participants of such cooperation. The researcher identifies the factors promoting the development of decentralized cultural cooperation between the territorial formations of the two countries and their relation with the internal processes of redistributing state authorities in favour of territorial formations.
Key words and phrases: культурное сотрудничество, внешняя культурная политика, российско-французские культурные связи, децентрализация, федерализация, постсоветская Россия, современная Франция, cultural cooperation, external cultural policy, Russian-French cultural relations, decentralization, federalization, post-Soviet Russia, modern France
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