Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 3. Part 2. P. 138-142.
Sivertsev Evgenii Yur'evich
Saint Petersburg University
Abstract. In the society, which worldview is determined by religion, immortality is provided by transcendental entity. Secular society is subject to the fear of death to a much greater degree - it is the society, in which the search for the ways of the prolongation of physical life begins. The author draws attention to the fact that death is known to us only in a phenomenal way. However, the feeling of finiteness experienced by a man is ineradicable, because it allows a person to experience freedom that, in turn, provides the possibility of self-reflection.
Key words and phrases: человек, смерть, жизнь, свобода, выбор, конечность, бесконечность, ценность, "ген старения", "шкала приоритетов", man, death, life, freedom, choice, finiteness, infinity, value, "aging gene", "scale of priorities"
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