Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 3. Part 1. P. 169-172.
Timkin Yurii Nikolaevich
Vyatka State University
Abstract. The paper aims to discover motives for the origin of neo-Khomeinism, which became one of the elements of ideological foundation for modernizing Iran in Pahlavi period. The author believes that neo-Khomeinism appeared to be basically non-democratic, intolerant to other ethnic groups, served the purposes of the Iranization of other peoples of the country, expressed the interests of the minor Zoroastrian community. The methodological foundation of this hypothesis is modernization conception and its specific application to Islamic countries.
Key words and phrases: идеология неоахеменизма, династия Пехлеви, государственно-политическая модернизация, Иран XX в, зороастризм, neo-Khomeinism ideology, Pahlavi dynasty, governmental and political modernization, Iran of the XX century, Zoroastrism
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