Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 3. Part 1. P. 149-152.
Saduova Aliya Talgatovna
Ufa State Institute of Arts named after Zagir Ismailov
Abstract. In the article a model of the Russian version of impressionism is proposed for the first time. The author singles out two key levels of impressionism: philosophical-aesthetic and musical-typological ones. The indicators of the model of the Russian version of impressionism are the following: the perception of the World (correlation between subjective and objective), the embodiment of the World, the interpretation of the plot or the image, and musical language. On their basis a matrix, which allows explaining the aesthetics of impressionism and impressionistic methods (the absolutization of the moment and coloristics), is modelled.
Key words and phrases: импрессионизм, эстетика импрессионизма, музыкальный язык импрессионизма, русский вариант импрессионизма, модель, матрица, импрессионистские методы, impressionism, aesthetics of impressionism, musical language of impressionism, Russian version of impressionism, model, matrix, impressionistic methods
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