Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 3. Part 1. P. 123-127.
Makulin Artem Vladimirovich
Northern State Medical University
Abstract. The article is devoted to relevant theoretical problems of creating stable and efficient models within the framework of philosophical cognition. The paper identifies the epistemological difference of metaphor and intellectual model functioning in the development of natural scientific and philosophical knowledge. The author provides a brief survey of philosophical models from ancient traditions up to the modern computer applications of the XXI century developed within the framework of the digital humanities. The findings indicate that the digital humanities have a chance to assert themselves as an effective way to develop an efficient system of philosophical models.
Key words and phrases: моделирование философии, метафора, аналогия, визуализация философии, цифровая гуманитаристика, modeling philosophy, metaphor, analogy, visualization of philosophy, the digital humanities
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