Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 3. Part 1. P. 106-109.
Kotlyarova Viktoriya Valentinovna, Shubina Marina Mikhailovna, Sysoeva Ol'ga Nikolaevna
Don State Technical University (Branch) in Shakhty
Abstract. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the essential features of festival and virtuality as forms of the symbolic mastering of reality. The similarity of festival and the world of virtual reality - the creation of the illusionary world, the vividness of images, emotional intensity, symbolic language, offering an opportunity to a man to become perfect - is revealed. The virtualization of festival leads to the appearance of a number of threats for the human’s security, the main of which are connected with the loss of identity, the occurrence of the phenomenon of "post-human consciousness", manipulation with consciousness and the destruction of the value foundations of culture.
Key words and phrases: виртуальная реальность, безопасность человека, символическая картина мира, праздник, современная культура, virtual reality, human’s security, symbolic picture of the world, festival, modern culture
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