Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 2. P. 186-190.
Torubarova Tat'yana Viktorovna
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Abstract. The article clarifies and analyzes the problematic field of Hegel’s speculative and idealistic system in the project to develop metaphysics as logic. The paper points out that he was inspired by the idea to develop such "logic of existence" as a step on the way to interpret existence as consciousness. The author shows that the philosophy of absolute knowledge is nothing else but the systematic explication of speculative and dialectic logos; and the representation of acquired knowledge, being a task of phenomenology, is experience of consciousness in the motion of natural consciousness to real knowledge, to philosophy as a science of true knowledge or, in other words, to metaphysics as logic.
Key words and phrases: метафизика, логика, сознание, истина, феноменология, бытие, наука, metaphysics, logic, consciousness, truth, phenomenology, existence, science
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