Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 2. P. 162-164.
Savin Valerii Viktorovich
National Research University "Moscow Power Engineering Institute" (Branch) in Volzhsky
Abstract. The article introduces the author’s original interpretation of modern cosmological theories. The author points out that the origin of the Universe is closely associated with the golden ratio algorithm, Fibonacci sequence. The philosophical analysis of the mentioned problem in the context of autotrophity indicated the necessity to reinterpret the ontology of natural-scientific cosmism, to continue studies in the sphere of modern cosmological theories, the golden ratio algorithm, Fibonacci sequence, autotrophic systems and resonance phenomena at the micro- and macro- levels of the Universe.
Key words and phrases: автотрофность, алгоритм, квантовая флуктуация, космология, космизм, пропорция Фибоначчи (пропорция золотого сечения), резонанс, autotrophity, algorithm, quant fluctuation, cosmology, cosmism, Fibonacci ratio (golden ratio), resonance
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