Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 2. P. 143-146.
Perov Vadim Yur'evich, Derzhivitskii Evgenii Viktorovich
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article considers the issue on the specificity of political knowledge in Plato’s theory and its connection with virtue, the condition of achieving which is joining the highest good. The authors substantiate the provision that connection between political knowledge and the requirements of normative ethics ascertained by Plato is not only an abstract, idealistic construction, but it presupposes the necessity of empirical experience, the potential of which Plato, in spite of the critical tradition of studying his ethical and political theory, put a high value on.
Key words and phrases: политическое знание, природа добродетелей, справедливое правление, формы политического управления, высший долг, добродетели политика, political knowledge, nature of virtues, just ruling, forms of political governance, highest duty, politician’s virtues
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