Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 12. Part 3. P. 158-161.
Samoilova Elena Olegovna, Shaev Yurii Mikhailovich
Pyatigorsk State University
Abstract. This article analyzes the Internet of things and its impact on the contours of a modern man’s being. It discusses different paradigms, web interfaces of the Internet of things and their impact on certain aspects of life. The paper considers various types of the basic marks of the Internet of things including QR-codes, which enable to identify a "thing" in the Network, and in the future will help to identify a person him(her)self. The authors make conclusions about contradictory nature of impact of the Internet of things, processes of virtualization of various fields, information noise making on a modern man’s existence.
Key words and phrases: информационные технологии, компьютерные технологии, Интернет вещей, Интернет, онтология, бытие, виртуализация, QR-коды, технологии, современное общество, information technologies, computer technologies, the Internet of things, the Internet, ontology, being, virtualization, QR-codes, technologies, modern society
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