Abstract. Since the development of mass media systems (massenmedien) in the space of contemporary culture leads to a change in all the spheres of social reality, including the educational sphere, the following new educational strategies have appeared: open education, distance education, and media-education. The expansion of massenmedien in the space of modern education has required an essential change in the fundamental conception of education. Therefore, one must be aware of the nature of these changes and prospects for the development of massenmedien in education.
Key words and phrases: образование, medien-образование, медиакультура, массовость, massenmedien, образовательный процесс, массовая коммуникация, гуманизация, medien-компетенция, education, medien-education, media culture, mass character, massenmedien, educational process, mass communication, humanization, medien-competence
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