Abstract. The article is devoted to the role of the notion "nothingness" in philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. The author adhering to the text "Being and Nothingness" seeks to reconstruct Sartre’s thought and to show how he was able to solve the problems identified in metaphysics in connection with this notion. One of the main problems is associated with the determination of the primacy of "nothingness" and "denial". The researcher shows how, using the experience of phenomenology, Sartre introduced the notion "nothingness" in the ontology that was created by him and substantiated the primacy of "nothingness" in relation to "denial" arising in judgment.
Key words and phrases: ничто, бытие, небытие, сознание, отрицание, "возможность", "бытие-в-мире", Сартр, Хайдеггер, nothingness, being, non-being, consciousness, denial, "opportunity", "being-in-the-world", Sartre, Heidegger
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