Abstract. The article examines the status of Armenia’s national minorities at the beginning of the XXI century. Special attention is paid to the development and preservation of their languages, religions and cultures. The scientific originality of the research is in the fact that the status of national minorities is studied on the basis of the Council of Europe’s reports, which provide Armenia’s implementation of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
Key words and phrases: Армения, Совет Европы, Рамочная конвенция, национальные меньшинства, езиды, русские, ассирийцы, греки, евреи, украинцы, курды, белорусы, поляки, немцы, Armenia, Council of Europe, Framework Convention, national minorities, the Yazidis, the Russians, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Jews, the Ukrainians, the Kurds, the Belarusians, the Poles, the Germans
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