Abstract. The article is devoted to analyzing the contribution of the "Pionerskaya Pravda (Truth for Young Pioneers)" newspaper to schoolchildren’s education in the years of the Great Patriotic War. The authors identify changes in the publication’s structure, analyze the functions and thematic orientation of the newspaper in the war years, describe its peculiarities, and discover its role as an ideological transmitter and initiator of a dialogue with the reader on patriotic education problems.
Key words and phrases: советский патриотизм, средства массовой информации, детская газета, военно-патриотическое воспитание, историческая память, образ врага, совершенствование военной и физической подготовки, идеологическое влияние, коммуникативная функция прессы, Soviet patriotism, mass media, children’s newspaper, military and patriotic education, historical memory, enemy image, improvement of military and physical training, ideological influence, periodicals’ communicative function