Abstract. The article focuses on self-attributive strategies of Homo musicus . Self-attribution as a communicative phenomenon refers to self-reflection, auto-communication, at the same time an act of self-attribution is focused on the recipient. Self-attribution theoretical provisions correlate with certain philological theories such as the author’s modality theory, referentiality theory (in the aspect of self-referentiality), predicative theory, authorological theory. Their synthesis makes it possible to develop a methodological system of approaches immanent to the problem of self-attribution of Homo Aestheticus .
Key words and phrases: творческая стратегия, самоатрибуция, автор художественный, теория авторской модальности, теория авторской референтности, авторология, creative strategy, self-attribution, Homo Aestheticus, author’s modality theory, author’s referentiality theory, authorology