Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2016. № 1. P. 60-62.
Evloeva Fatima Rashidovna
Ingush State University
Abstract. The article introduces the definitions and examines the relation and difference of the concepts "society", "culture" and "civilization". The concept "culture" is analyzed in axiological, pragmatic, semiotic, structuralistic, sociological and humanitarian aspects. The paper shows the diversity of the interpretations of the historical development of society, culture and civilization in linear, cyclical and synthetic philosophical and historical conceptions.
Key words and phrases: общество, культура, цивилизация, линейная концепция истории, циклическая концепция истории, синтетическая концепция истории, society, culture, civilization, linear conception of history, cyclical conception of history, synthetic conception of history
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