Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 9. Part 1. P. 24-27.
Balakina Elena Ivanovna
Altai State Pedagogical University
Abstract. In the article the scientific and world outlook fundamentals of a new research methodology of Art in terms of its regular crisis are revealed. The author traces the evolution of the scientific conception of the mystical origin of art from the antiquity to the XX century integrating the innovative ideas of synergetics about "unmanifested" and the modern interpretation of the phenomenon "sacral" in the philosophy of myth into previously existed philosophical theories. The change of the processes of the desacralization and resacralization of art is interpreted by the author as an indicator of revolutionary world outlook turn in culture, as a vector of the restoration of spirituality dominant in worldview.
Key words and phrases: кризис искусства, десакрализация, ресакрализация, мистические корни Искусства, сакральное и профанное, иррациональность, дополнительность, crisis of art, desacralization, resacralization, mystical roots of Art, sacral and profane, irrationality, additionality
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