Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 9. Part 1. P. 115-118.
Abstract. The article examines the multi-component organization of the system of artistic worldview. Analyzing the structure based on the integration of artistic categories and ideological images-concepts the author introduces a new conception "artistic image - concept" as a system-formative and coordinating institution. The researcher justifies the dependence of the multidimensionality and self-development of the system on the influence of subject-object factors and introduces comprehensive approach to the study of artistic phenomena in the context of artistic worldview.
Key words and phrases: многокомпонентная система художественной картины мира, интеграция категорий картины мира и искусства, художественный образ-концепт, художественное интерпретирование, субъект-объектные отношения как фактор многомерности, multi-component system of artistic worldview, integration of categories of worldview and art, artistic image - concept, artistic interpreting, subject-object relations as a factor of multidimensionality
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