Abstract. In the article the problem of the origin of eschatological historiosophy in Russian religious philosophy is considered. The author’s contribution is in the substantiation of the appearance of eschatological historiosophy as a type of philosophy of history from the very emergence of Old Russian philosophy. It is proved that a version of Old Russian historiosophy, which can be related to the ascetic type of eschatological historiosophy, originates in "The Sermon on Law and Grace". It is ascertained that in "The Sermon on Law and Grace" an eschatological type of historiosophy typical of the philosophy of Christianity and ascetic praxis are integrated.
Key words and phrases: эсхатологическая историософия, древнерусская философия, митрополит Иларион, аскетика, патристика, эсхатология, Крещение Руси, eschatological historiosophy, Old Russian philosophy, Metropolitan Hilarion, asceticism, patristics, eschatology, Baptism of Rus
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