Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 8. Part 3. P. 30-33.
Berdina Valeriya Aleksandrovna
Ukhta State Technical University
Abstract. The article aims to analyze sociocultural backgrounds for such phenomenon as giving preference to mythologized, esoteric, pseudo-scientific knowledge over scientific one. The author reveals the sociocultural factors of the popularity of pseudo-scientific theories including the following ones: the crisis of modern culture, the degradation of educational system, the commercialization of mass media, the psychological vulnerability of people, economic benefit and the extraordinary activity of the representatives of pseudo-scientific theories.
Key words and phrases: культурный кризис, лженаука, псевдонаука, современность, массовая культура, критическое мышление, социокультурные факторы, cultural crisis, pseudo-science, modernity, mass culture, critical thinking, sociocultural factors
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