Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 8. Part 3. P. 147-150.
Mishuchkov Andrei Aleksandrovich
Orenburg State University
Abstract. The article examines theoretical aspects of dialogue of civilizations in Japanese philosophy, which may contribute to the development of the paradigm of the civilization partnership of Japan and Russia. The author analyzes the key ideas of the dialogue: the idea of civilization world and security (K. Matsuura); the axiology of the subject of dialogue of civilizations and civilization identity (K. Musakodzi); the spheres of inter-civilization relations (Sh. Ito); humanism and optimism (victory of good over evil) (D. Ikeda); cross-cultural approach and the idea of the mutual enhancement of modernization and tradition (H. Hattori); the conception of Eurasian integration (R. Hashimoto); civilization of dialogue (K. Matsumoto).
Key words and phrases: диалог цивилизаций, кросс-культурный подход, цивилизационная идентичность, кризис западной цивилизации, цивилизационное партнерство, глобальная коммуникация, dialogue of civilizations, cross-cultural approach, civilization identity, crisis of western civilization, civilization partnership, global communication
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