Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 8. Part 2. P. 148-151.
Ostrovskaya Inna Valerievna
Sevastopol State University
Abstract. The author of the article reveals the role of the social associations of the Russian and Russian-speaking citizens of the Crimea in the process of the consolidation of the regional community during Ukrainian period of its history. The insufficiently explored aspects of the activity of the organizations representing the interests of the Russians in the conditions of the strongly marked political ethnicity of Crimean region are revealed. Special attention is focused on the specificity, character and analysis of the reasons of the consolidation of the most numerous ethnic group on the peninsula around social associations, and also their strategy and tactic in this process.
Key words and phrases: общественные объединения, Крым, русскоговорящее население, межэтническая консолидация, многонационально-территориальная автономия, межнациональный конфликт, межконфессиональный конфликт, региональная идентичность, политизация этничности, историческое самосознание, social associations, Crimea, Russian-speaking population, interethnic consolidation, multinational-territorial autonomy, international conflict, inter-confessional conflict, regional identity, politicization of ethnicity, historical self-consciousness
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