Abstract. The system of the division of the Korean state, the foundation of which was laid in 1945, defines political life on the Korean peninsula up to date. The divided nation wastes its effort on confrontation. To understand the depth of the contradictions it’s important to refer to the origins of "Korean issue". The author of this article examines the conditionality of the division of Korea after the World War II from the position of the presence of the complex of internal and external contradictions.
Key words and phrases: разделение Кореи, Народный комитет Кореи, Демократическая партия Кореи, Ли Сын Ман, Е Унхен, Ким Ир Сен, СССР, США, Япония, "холодная война", Корейская война, division of Korea, People’s Committee of Korea, Democratic Party of Korea, Syngman Rhee, Lyuh Woon-hyung, Kim Il-sung, The USSR, The USA, Japan, "cold war", The Korean War
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