Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 8. Part 1. P. 120-123.
Malevinskaya Natal'ya Viktorovna
I. E. Repin St.-Petersburg State Academic Institute for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
Abstract. The article considers the development of sports theme in Soviet painting of the 1920-1930s, the specificity of the artists’ creative thinking of that time, the rethinking of the artistic means of expressiveness. The search for new aesthetics and new forms of painting is of particular interest to the research. The author concludes that the artists, who developed sports theme and saw the opportunities of self-expression in it, embodied the varied range of plastic motives, symbolic links, associative images in their works trying to represent the current ideas of that time.
Key words and phrases: спортивная тема в советском искусстве, спорт, символ, живопись 1920-1930-х гг., социалистический реализм, sports theme in Soviet art, sport, symbol, painting of the 1920-1930s, socialist realism
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