Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 8. Part 1. P. 97-103.
Kondratenko Sergei Evgen'evich
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article analyzes the political aspects of the discourse of the modern Catholic Church. Addressing to current papal encyclicals, classic works on political philosophy, the author proves that the existing political ambitions of Roman Catholicism have deep historical and philosophical roots. Under the conditions of the crisis of traditional political institutions and civil society the Church claiming to the absolute possession of knowledge about political benefit acts as an initiator of new public debates, where purely political issues are in the centre.
Key words and phrases: католицизм, глобализация, государство, Церковь, Франциск I, политическая аргументация, кризис, энциклика, Catholicism, globalization, state, Church, Francis I, political argumentation, crisis, encyclical
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