Abstract. The article states the understanding of the interaction of sport and politics through the institutional component of leadership in the political life of modern Russia. A number of popular sportsmen (E. Berezhnaya, A. Sikharulidze, A. Valuev, S. Zhurova and others) after making their professional career go into politics aiming at getting access to political power. In the formation of the image of the politician they are aided by their bygone sport achievements, the so-called "image of recognition".
Key words and phrases: спорт, политика, лидерство, политическое лидерство, спортивное лидерство, политическая жизнь, политический институт, элита, гражданин, имидж политического лидера, власть, sport, politics, leadership, political leadership, sport leadership, political life, political institute, elite, citizen, image of political leader, power
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