Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 7. Part 2. P. 97-99.
Magomedov Kamil' Magomedovich
Dagestan State Institute of National Economy in Makhachkala
Abstract. The article substantiates the metric of psychological, biological and social time different from chronological time. That’s why their measurement in chronological scale, for which objectivity, unidirectionality, uniformity, irreversibility and so on are inherent, leads to the significant distortions of the content peculiarities of these processes. To confirm it convincing examples from literature, religion, various sectors of science and practice are given. Also differences in the mechanisms of the passing of chronological and "event" time, characteristic of many traditional and modern cultures, are emphasized.
Key words and phrases: время, метрика времени, хронологическое время, событийное время, психологическое время, биологическое время, социальное время, time, metric of time, chronological time, "event" time, psychological time, biological time, social time
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