Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 6. Part 1. P. 210-215.
Shcherbakov Vyacheslav Yur'evich
Southern Federal University in Rostov-on-Don
Abstract. The article presents the characteristics of the creativity and political views of the famous German political scientist, publicist and critic of Germany Islamization Udo Ulfkotte. The works of the best-sellers author are devoted to the analysis of the Islamists penetration into the Federal Republic of Germany, their detrimental influence on the stability of the German society. A number of books by Ulfkotte cover problems caused by the European integration. In these books he calls to abandon the euro, to strengthen the position of the police and intelligence services, to limit migration and the penetration of foreign criminals into Germany. The ideas of the political scientist find wide response not only among the activists of right-wing groups, but also among the supporters of the modern mass anti-Islamic movement PEGIDA.
Key words and phrases: правый популизм, движение "Pax Europa", исламизация, правый радикализм, ФРГ, проблемы миграции, движение "Граждане в гневе", движение ПЕГИДА, right-wing populism, movement "Pax Europa", Islamization, right-wing radicalism, The Federal Republic of Germany, migration problems, movement "Citizens in Anger", PEGIDA movement
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