Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 6. Part 1. P. 109-111.
Kul'bizhekov Viktor Nikolaevich
Krasnoyarsk City
Abstract. The article examines the esthetic assimilation of space and time in music, it is emphasized that their unity leads to the awareness of the existence of certain mechanisms of thinking contributing to the adequate realization of different emotions and feelings, to the understanding of form-building moments in music as an instrument in the creation of musical image possessing logic out of verbal interpretation.
Key words and phrases: пространство, время, художественный образ, логика, эстетика, чувственность и созерцание, мысленный эксперимент, space, time, artistic image, logic, esthetics, sensuality and contemplation, mental experiment
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