Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 6. Part 1. P. 21-23.
Alekseev Sergei Valer'evich
Moscow University for the Humanities
Abstract. The trends and contradictions of the formation and implementation of youth policy in modern Russia are studied. The author substantiates the thesis that youth policy is created by public authorities together with civil society institutions (parties, mass media, religious and social organizations and other structures). State youth policy is considered as an integral part of youth activation in social and political life in order to form active participants - the builders of new Russia. It is revealed that the political consciousness of contemporary youth is transformed taking into account the development of social-political practice both within the country and in the world.
Key words and phrases: гражданское общество, политическая жизнь, молодежь, молодежный парламент, государственная молодежная политика, политический процесс, политическое сознание, общественно-политические организации, civil society, political life, youth, youth parliament, state youth policy, political process, political consciousness, social-political organizations
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