Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 5. Part 2. P. 176-178.
Timkin Yurii Nikolaevich
Vyatka State University
Abstract. The author justifies the hypothesis of the Sarmatian origin of the North-Russian shulikun. The conception by V. N. Toporov on the Slavonic-Iranian ethnocultural community, which existed in the middle of the 1 st millennium BC - the first centuries AD, served as a methodological basis for this hypothesis. The typical features of shulikun - horsed warrior dressed in iron (chain mail), pointed head and cap, war horse dressed in chain mail, parti-coloured clothes and sash - all this, according to the author, indicates the Sarmatian origins of this image. The tradition of skull deformation - and it is clearly identified in the image of shulikun - was typical of the Iranian-speaking people of antiquity and the early Middle Ages.
Key words and phrases: шуликун, сарматы, коми, славяно-русская святочная обрядность, В. Н. Топоров, shulikun, the Sarmatians, the Komi, the Slavonic-Russian Christmas rites, V. N. Toporov
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