Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 5. Part 1. P. 105-107.
Lazutina Tat'yana Vladimirovna, Lazutin Nikolai Konstantinovich
Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
Abstract. The paper within the framework of the philosophy of design examines costume and its language in semiotic aspect. The conception of the research is determined by the interpretation of the language of costume as a multifunctional phenomenon. Analyzing the history of costume the authors conclude that its language performs informative and communicative, esthetic, expressive, social, ritual and applied, ideological, educational, culture-saving, semiotic, axiological, suggestive functions. The dominant function of the language of costume is informative and communicative.
Key words and phrases: костюм, дизайн, язык костюма, искусство, семиотический аспект, costume, design, language of costume, art, semiotic aspect
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