Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 4. Part 2. P. 190-196.
Khudyakova Marina Ivanovna
Russian University of Theatre Arts (GITIS)
Abstract. The author considers the genesis of the Swiss theatrical art, which, in spite of multilingualism, is a single whole. There are no special works devoted to the national features and identity of the Swiss theater in domestic theater criticism. The article proves that, despite differences of theatrical art in different regions, the Swiss theater is an integrated phenomenon. The theatrical processes are studied in cultural context involving literary and para-theatrical phenomena in order to confirm the thesis about national identity.
Key words and phrases: геном театрального искусства, история мирового театра, Швейцария, "Зелёный Генрих" Готфрида Келлера, мультикультурность, полилингвизм, генезис, театроведческая наука, швейцарская идентичность, genome of theatrical art, history of world theatre, Switzerland, "Green Henry" by Gottfried Keller, multiculturalism, multilingualism, genesis, theatre science, the Swiss identity
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Avdeev A. D. Proiskhozhdenie teatra. Elementy teatra v pervobytnoobshchinnom stroe. L. - M.: Iskusstvo, 1959. 286 c.
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