Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 4. Part 1. P. 117-120.
Nazipov Il'giz Il'darovich
Perm Financial and Economic Institute
Abstract. The article conducts a semantic analysis of "The Tale of Batu’s Invasion" in the Laurentian Chronicle. Ancient authors tended to explain the events of public life by the will of the God or the machinations of the devil. The text of the Laurentian Chronicle is heterogeneous, it was subjected to correction and inclusion of material, so there are contradictions including the identification of the Tatars: as an instrument of the God’s wrath and his penalties for the Russian people for their sins or as servants of the devil. The author tries to make sense of this contradiction, which is unsolved by science, and to determine the prevailing meaning of the tale regarding the theological characteristics of the Tatars.
Key words and phrases: Лаврентьевская летопись, русские земли, кары Господни, слуги дьявола, семантический анализ, татары, Батый, the Laurentian Chronicle, the Russian land, penalties of the God, servants of the devil, semantic analysis, the Tatars, Batu
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