Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 4. Part 1. P. 100-102.
Magomedov Kamil' Magomedovich
Dagestan State Institute of National Economy in Makhachkala
Abstract. The paper argues that time characterizes not only the dynamics of material processes, as it is understood in natural sciences, but also the temporal peculiarities of spiritual processes. The author reveals the narrow-mindedness of physicalism and objectivism in analyzing the spatial-temporal time metrics of existence. The researcher emphasizes that such qualities of chronological time as objectivity, unidirectionality, uniformity, irreversibility do not characterize psychological, social, biological, etc. time.
Key words and phrases: время, метрика времени, календарь, хронологическое время, физикализм в науке, объективное время, субъективное время, time, time metrics, calendar, chronological time, physicalism in science, objective time, subjective time
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