Abstract. The article is devoted to the restructuring of regional health care system in the years of the Great Patriotic War. The change of the system and working conditions of medical institutions is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the staffing problem solution of health care institutions, the peculiarities of the functioning of hospitals, which achieved high performance under the trying conditions of the war, are considered. The author summarizes the practical experience of regional health system on anti-epidemiological work, children’s health protection.
Key words and phrases: здравоохранение, эвакогоспитали, противоэпидемиологические мероприятия, профилактика, врачебные участки, оздоровительная кампания, фельдшерские пункты, патронирование, health care, base hospitals, anti-epidemiological measures, prevention, health localities, health promotion campaign, feldsher’s stations, patronage
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