Abstract. The article examines the traditional funeral rituals of one of the Caucasian ethnoses - the Karachai people. Describing the Karachai funeral rites, which are based basically on the Muslim norms, the author tries to identify the relicts of primitive beliefs still influencing the analyzed process, to specify reasons for their resistance. The researcher argues for the thesis that funeral, funeral feast and mourning took and still take a special sacred place in the family and social life of the Karachai people.
Key words and phrases: карачаевцы, Северный Кавказ, похоронные обряды, религиозные верования, молитвы, оплакивание покойного, поминки, соболезнование, кладбище, траур, почитание умерших, погребения, the Karachai people, North Caucasus, funeral rituals, religious beliefs, prayers, bewailing the deceased, funeral feast, condolence, cemetery, mourning, reverence of the deceased, burials
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