Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 3. Part 3. P. 61-63.
Zalivanskii Boris Vasil'evich, Samokhvalova Elena Vladislavovna
Belgorod National Research University
Abstract. In the article the main components of the strategy of regional solidary society formation are analyzed. The authors provide principles for ensuring the functioning of public consolidation mechanisms, and ground the need for the use of social stratification in the process of the formation of solidarity values. The satisfaction of population with human relations quality, social justice and security of life are marked as the key indicators, which allow assessing the current state of solidary society formation.
Key words and phrases: солидарное общество, социальная консолидация, региональный уровень, социальные индикаторы, удовлетворенность населения, solidary society, social consolidation, regional level, social indicators, satisfaction of population
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