Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 3. Part 2. P. 144-147.
Popov Denis Aleksandrovich
Saratov State University
Abstract. In the article the interaction of the ideas of naturalism and music is considered. Originally naturalism was created for fine arts; the art of music could not reflect reality and did not meet the requirements of naturalistic aesthetics. As a result, naturalism initially rejected or ignored music but later it began looking for ways to interact with music. The ways of the adaptation of music to naturalism (realism) are analyzed. The impact of naturalism on music turned out to be the most significant in intermedia, musical theaters, where naturalistic literary foundation was supplemented with music.
Key words and phrases: реализм, натурализм, музыка, синтетические искусства, музыкальный театр, веризм, realism, naturalism, music, intermedia, musical theater, verismo
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