Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 3. Part 2. P. 114-119.
Kudryakov Il'ya Olegovich
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the research of the Don Cossacks as a social system. The structuration theory of A. Giddens is chosen as a methodological framework. The change of the social practices system of the Don Cossacks in the historical period of XVI-XX centuries is studied. The nonlinear change in the system-forming social practice of the Cossacks - military specialization - is shown. The influence of this factor on the process of the system integration of the Cossacks and the Russian state, as well as on the challenges of the modern revival of the Cossacks is considered. The paper discusses the categories of the "ethnicity", "class", internal social stratification and social resources of the Cossacks in terms of structuration theory.
Key words and phrases: теория структурации, социальная система, ресурсы социальной системы, социальные практики, Донское казачество, социальная структура казачества, социально-исторический анализ, structuration theory, social system, resources of social system, social practices, the Don Cossacks, social structure of the Cossacks, social-historical analysis
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