Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 3. Part 1. P. 177-180.
Sun Tsze
Hainan State University, People’s Republic of China
Abstract. The article considers the image of wine in the artwork of the Chinese poet and statesman Cao Cao: being the founder of the literary genre "songs to wine", in his program works the poet, despite the apparent praise of wine as a means of getting rid of worries, the metonymic symbol of life pleasures, in fact rejects it. Cao Cao offers the courageous acceptance of man’s destiny, willingness to pay with sorrow for the opportunity to make history as an alternative to escapism, which is symbolized by wine.
Key words and phrases: вино, культура вина, китайская поэзия, художественное творчество Цао Цао, дихотомический ряд, тезис и антитеза, wine, wine culture, the Chinese poetry, artwork of Cao Cao, dichotomic series, thesis and antithesis
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