Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 2. Part 2. P. 38-42.
Borodin Sergei Vital'evich
Southern Federal University
Abstract. The article examines the process of the revival and further development of institutions for the East European studies in Germany in the period of forming the Federative Republic of Germany. The paper presents the dynamics of creating centers, seminars, institutions, journals and associations for studying Russia and Eastern Europe. Special attention is paid to the activity of the Institute for the History of the USSR in Munich. According to the author, the development of the East European studies in the Federative Republic of Germany was associated with the formation of the new borders of Europe, the beginning of the "cold war", the critical need of the leadership of the country for objective information on the countries of socialist system.
Key words and phrases: восточноевропейские исследования, Германия, Остфоршунг, Остеуропафоршунг, русский институт, институализация, ФРГ, Россия, "Немецкое общество по изучению Восточной Европы", the East European studies, Germany, Ostforschung, Osteuropaforschung, The Russian Institute, institualization, The Federative Republic of Germany, Russia, "German Association for the East European Studies"
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