Historical, Philosophical, Political and Law Sciences, Culturology and Study of Art. Issues of Theory and Practice. Tambov: Gramota, 2015. № 2. Part 2. P. 214-217.
Sheludkov Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Tyumen State University
Abstract. In the article the main steps of the climate policies of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed. The author notes that although the approaches of two states to climate change problem coincide on the whole, due to a number of external and internal causes their political practices evolved in different directions. Russia positions itself primarily as the major international player. It played a crucial role in the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol; however it was not always able to benefit of its position in order to modernize its economy. Kazakhstan joined international climate mechanisms much later and therefore could not take up an appropriate position in the UNFCCC system. However, the inability of the use of the external resources of climate policy was compensated with internal measures, thereby the Republic of Kazakhstan has become today one of climate actions leaders.
Key words and phrases: изменение климата, климатическая политика, международный климатический режим, переговоры по климату, внешняя политика Российской Федерации, внешняя политика Республики Казахстан, climate change, climate policy, global climate change regime, negotiations on climate, foreign policy of the Russian Federation, foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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